Exposure and Underexposure

What if a man can draw and wants to make a video of his story? He's no good with animation and learning to animate from scratch can take too long. So what does he do?

Filosophy Friday: Plato's Crito

Hey everybody and welcome to this week’s edition of Filosophy Friday. This is the second part of a series where I explore a book in my possession, ‘Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction’ by Edward Craig as a kind of beginner’s primer to the wide subject of philosophy. If you...

On The Origin of Vampires And Werewolves

In the gloomy countryside of Transylvania, where the wolves howl and the children of the night make their ‘vonderful’ music, sits a small village, its name lost to time. In one of the village hovels, old Igor sits in his chair smoking a pipe, gently puffing on the smoke and blowing circles...

If you are going [...]

Blog Abandonment Issues

Miss me? No? Not even a little bit? That' harsh, that is.

The Archive of Stories and Scribbles

Chill out, calm down, feel the vibe. In the mood for a story, poem, whatever? Tired of reading about hate, about war, about people running their mouths about every tiny thing they can think of? Here, nothing matters. Words are a puff of smoke in the wind; mine are rose scented.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Story Cancellation

Blizzard Entertainment is proud to present its first global writing contest.  If you enjoy the Blizzard Entertainment universes and have the drive to pen fantasy fiction in them, here's your chance to shine.

Whether you conjure stories in your free time or write for a living, you're encouraged to participate. This contest is open to entrants from around the world, and will be judged by Blizzard Entertainment's own writers and masters of lore.

To enter, submit a 3,000 to 10,000 word story written in English and set in the Warcraft, StarCraft, or Diablo universe by April 12 and earn your chance to visit the Blizzard Entertainment headquarters and meet the writers and staff behind the lore seen in the games and books.


Lesson learned, my friends; never procrastinate. Shame. I thought they'd love my story too. It was supposed to be epic, with…ah, let's just forget about it.

In my life there are many of my shortcomings I am not proud of. The worst one is, however, that I am a quitter. I quit when the going gets tough. I quit when everybody tells me I can't do it. And I quit when I'm too lazy to do it. Now, again, I must say, I have to quit one final thing for a different resaon. I am quitting the Warcraft story in favor of a new one, because I can't finish it right now.

I say 'Quit' and not 'Postpone' because I have nearly 100mb of unfinished stories in my hard disk. I usually keep these, reminders of previous failures, and also notes that yes, I can, if I could just finish the damned things. Well, I am not quitting writing, not yet at any rate, but I am quitting the Warcraft story. Maybe one day I'll find the guts to finish it, and you'll get to see it, but not now. Now, I move on to different things. If you noticed below, somewhere I talked about writing a love story. That is what I will focus on next. Again, don't hold your breath. But rest assured, once it's done, I'll update…and if it gets canceled, I'll let you know too.

That is, whoever reads this anymore.

By Unknown with 4 comments