Exposure and Underexposure

What if a man can draw and wants to make a video of his story? He's no good with animation and learning to animate from scratch can take too long. So what does he do?

Filosophy Friday: Plato's Crito

Hey everybody and welcome to this week’s edition of Filosophy Friday. This is the second part of a series where I explore a book in my possession, ‘Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction’ by Edward Craig as a kind of beginner’s primer to the wide subject of philosophy. If you...

On The Origin of Vampires And Werewolves

In the gloomy countryside of Transylvania, where the wolves howl and the children of the night make their ‘vonderful’ music, sits a small village, its name lost to time. In one of the village hovels, old Igor sits in his chair smoking a pipe, gently puffing on the smoke and blowing circles...

If you are going [...]

Blog Abandonment Issues

Miss me? No? Not even a little bit? That' harsh, that is.

The Archive of Stories and Scribbles

Chill out, calm down, feel the vibe. In the mood for a story, poem, whatever? Tired of reading about hate, about war, about people running their mouths about every tiny thing they can think of? Here, nothing matters. Words are a puff of smoke in the wind; mine are rose scented.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hiatal Concerns

Well I guess the only regular thing you can count on me for is irregularity.

A lot of major upsets in my life since I last posted. Can't believe that was way back in June.

But I have scraped together the pieces and are putting them back together again.

Hopefully I can get back to this blog. Or start another one?

That's one of the pieces I'll need to figure out.

Teej out again, for now.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

FreeWriting: The Package

Work sucks 😞 It's an inescapable fact of life. I'd say my work sucks worse than yours, and I say that with confidence. Hard to match working 17 hours a day with no downtime and no respect for my job, plus no off days, not even weekends. There is no way they can pay me enough to continue to do this shit.

So, here I am. Escaping into a world I make by myself. Hey, it means more fiction for you when you're bored somewhere. I wish I had the time to be bored.

Before we start, I should note that I used a prompt to write this, and I will be updating almost-maybe-not-really-i-don't-know-definitely daily. And the next part will be on this very same post. Helps the latecomers get up to speed.

EDIT (28/5/2013): Added more today!
29/5: Added parts 2 and 3!
31/5 : Added more!
4/6 : Wow late update. Added more today!
25/6 : Wow, two weeks.I am so glad I didn't commit to saying daily for realsies up there. Anyhoo, did some edits, caught some typos, added one or two sentences. Functionally similar. Oh, and added a few things after the line: My phone rang again...

This is the prompt:

And this is the story.

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Exposure and Underexposure

After work I lay down with my trusty iPad and started watching videos. One thing led to another and before you know it I'd watched the entire first season (and fan film) of Fallout: Nuka Break. It's an awesome show. It's got references to weapons and abilities and items in the Fallout game (in fact, the whole series is about a guy trying to get one of those in game items; a soda called Nuka Cola). It's got special effects, cool action, an engaging story and all the trappings one would expect from a studio with a much larger budget.

Afterwards I got to thinking, man, hasn't technology progressed so fast since I was a kid? Last time just having a computer meant you were much cooler than anybody else, but now what matters is what you do with it. Play games, do work, watch porn, you name it. And anybody with any creativity can publish their works for everyone to admire.

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Post Call

Soooo I'm post call today. Having breakfast. Probably gotta go back to work soon (yes, that's my life).

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