I'm starting to think I'm really, really, REALLY bad at poetry. I read this again and think, what the hell? Maybe true art is incomprehensible? Whatever true art is, it's not bad, which this certainly is. Hey, at least I cut out the really clumsy parts and left the good stuff in. One final note: this particularly clumsy attempt at poetry is dedicated to...I can't say. Suffice to say, this was the last time that person haunted my dreams.
We make beautiful music together.
Like any good music we wish it never ends.
Like any good thing, it must.
It is a duet we perform
She and I
in harmony.
We’re just through the doorway
already, silent rests between bars,
long notes to the stars, our hearts
beating out the time of the nocturne we
compose with our bodies
making sweet music.
We reach the stage where we play our parts.
Each beat to the tempo,
Each move in legato,
nuancing each high with a low
'til even each discord flows
into one long nocturnal melody
until finally, accelerando, to the
cadence of our concerto.
Like any good music we wish it never ends.
Like any good thing, it must.